Math Skills
By the end of Kindergarten, students should be able to:
Use position words (first, next, last, under over, before, after, etc.)
Identify left and right
Recognize basic shapes
Identify and write numbers 1 to 100
Count to 100 by 2s, 5s and 10s
Identify missing numbers on a number line
Identify groups with more and fewer
Identify one or two more or fewer in a given group
Place events in sequential order
Use ordinal numbers (first-tenth)
Illustrate addition and subtration problems (ex: 2+3=5 students will draw 2 circles and 3 circle= 5 circles)
Add single digit numbers
Subtract single digit numbers
Measure objects using non-standard unit of measure
Some fun and helpful web-sites
BrainPop Jr
Study Island