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Oak Tree Elementary School

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School Supply List-15002

2017-2018 School Year

Dear Second Grader,

I am so excited to start our school year together! Here is a list of supplies that you will need for the coming year:

A pencil box labeled with your name and the following things inside:

  • 12 pencils (sharpened)
  • 1 box of 24 crayons
  • 1 pack of glue sticks (thick)
  • 2 block erasers
  •  1 pair of kids’ scissors (blunt, rounded edges)
  • 2 highlighters
  • 1 pack of Expo dry erase markers (Black)
  • dry erase eraser or clean white sock

In a plastic bag labeled with your name:

  • 4 packs of glue sticks-preferably thick ones. They last longer!
  • 1 box of crayons
  • 1 pack of Expo dry erase markers (black)

For the class to use throughout the year:

  • 2 Boxes of tissues
  • 1 container of Clorox or Lysol wipes


Have fun getting ready for school, and please let me know if you have any trouble finding any of these items. I look forward to meeting you soon! In the meantime, have a great summer!