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Oak Tree Elementary School

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Meet Mrs. Shea

Meet Mrs. Shea

Mrs. Shea

25 Fun Facts About Your Teacher

1.  I grew up in Monroe Township!  I went to Barclay Brook Elementary School, Applegarth Middle School, and Monroe Township High School.

2.  I graduated from Rutgers University with a major in American Studies and a minor in Elementary Education.

3.  I earned my Masters in Education from the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education.

4.  I began teaching in Monroe Township in 2002.

5.  My favorite color is green, but I LOVE all things rainbow! Our classroom has a rainbotheme! 

6.  I like watching football with Mr. Shea.

7.  I have two daughters, Olivia and Julia and a son, Connor.

8.  Olivia is a field hockey player and loves big roller coasters.  

9.  Julia is a gymnast and loves to play with puppies.  

10.  Connor loves soccer, football, and lacrosse.

11.  My mom is an artist.  My dad and I like to go fishing together.  I talk to my parents every day.

12.  I love to go to the beach.

13.  I love reading to my students.

14.  I have three brothers.

15.  I have five nephews and five nieces.  (I like to buy them presents!)

16.  I love Reces Peanut Butter Cups. My grandpa and I shared them as a special treat when I was a kid.

17.  I eat my vegetables every night.

18.  I love that many of my former students still visit me!

19.  I believe that teaching is the greatest job in the world, and I love coming to school every day.

20.  I have a chocolate lab named Otis, and he is barking in my ear while I type this list. I also have a puppy named Meatball! She is a schnoodle, and is very wild!

21.  My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

22.  I loved kindergarten as a student!  I have many wonderful memories from that year, especially when my grandmother came to see me perform at my end of the year show.  

23.  I love the "Olivia" books by Ian Falconer!  My favorite author is Mo Willems!

24.  My first name, Casserly, is my great-grandmother's last name.  I love it!  However, my friends and family call me Cassie.

25.  Otis just stopped barking. Meatball is still running around the house.