My Classroom
My Classroom (In-Person)
Class Rules and Expectations for In-Person Instruction!
Welcome to Mrs. Ellis's classroom! Here, you can find out more information about our rules and procedures.
Tuesday Folders
Tuesday Folders are taken home every Tuesday, so that family members can stay up-to-date on recent concepts covered and progress made in class. These yellow folders are expected to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned each Wednesday.
As a class, we agree upon rules that help us take responsibility for our actions and create a good learning environment. We use a behavior card to track how we are doing each day. Students are expected to make safe choices, use whole body listening, show respect, and always try their best. When students meet these expectations, their card remains on green— however, if a student does not follow our agreed upon rules, they are expected to turn their card to red.
**When students make excellent choices, they earn "wow cards". Students may cash-in for a prize each Friday, as long as they have 3 green days and complete their homework for the week!
Reading, Math, and Word Work homework is assigned each night, except for Fridays! Homework is expected to be completed each night. If there are any issues or concerns with homework, please feel free to reach me through email at