Visual Perceptual Skills
Insert Puzzles: Rely on shapes to fit the pieces
- simple forms that can only fit into a single space; encourage your child to rotate the piece to fit
- The circle is the easiest shape to practice as you do not need to rotate to place correctly
- Begin with the circle and one easy shape and as your child becomes proficient at placing those forms correctly, increase the number of forms until they can complete the entire puzzle on their own.
Segmented Puzzles: Rely on shape and begins to rely on colors of the surrounding pieces
- Watch your child try to look at shape and match up colors to place pieces. Then point out colors on pieces and tell him to match…you may need to point to areas of the puzzle to help. Say, “See green? Where is there more green?”
- You may start out by first removing only a few pieces and then slowly increasing the number of pieces to fit into the puzzle's frame.
Interlocking Puzzles: Can be in a frame or out of a frame and the number of pieces can vary greatly. These puzzles rely on shape and colors to match
- First, separate the puzzle pieces into flat edges (outside pieces) and inside pieces. Complete the outside pieces first.
- Watch your child try to look at shape and match up colors to place pieces. Then point out colors on pieces and tell him to match…you may need to point to areas of the puzzle to help. Say, “See green? Where is there more green?”
- You may start out by first removing only a few pieces and then slowly increasing the number of pieces.
With all types of puzzles, you may first need to show your child how a puzzle piece fits into the puzzle and then hand them the piece and say, "You do it."
Block Designs
- 4 Cube Train: Align 3 cubes on the bottom and one block on the end- leave as a model
- 3 cube bridge: 2 blocks on the bottom with a space, one block on top (touching both bottom blocks)- leave it as a model for them to copy
- 4 cube wall: 2 blocks on bottom (touching) and 2 blocks directly on top of those blocks (touching) – leave standing for them to copy
- 6 cube steps: 3 blocks on the bottom touching; 2 blocks in middle row touching and one block on top so that one end has 3 blocks stacked, middle row has 2 blocks stacked and the other end has 1 block - leave it as a model for them to copy
- 6 cube pyramid: 3 blocks on the bottom with a space between, 2 blocks in middle row with space between as each block touches 2 of the bottom row blocks and one block on top that touches both blocks in middle row - leave it as a model for them to copy
How to Best Prompt:
- Let them try first before you prompt
- 6 cube steps: Position the bottom and middle row blocks and have them place the last block
- 6 cube pyramid: Position the bottom and middle row blocks and have them place the last block
- Train/Bridge: Position the bottom blocks and have them place the last block
- Initially you may need to do hand over hand
- Drawing the positioning/placement of the bottom blocks on paper for your child to place the bottom blocks on top of
- Point with your finger where your child should position the next block
Hidden Pictures