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Oak Tree Elementary School

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Visual Motor Integration (Prewriting)

Prewriting Shapes

Prewriting Shapes are the foundation to forming letters.  These shapes should be introduced developentally.  



Circle: Say- start at the top, make a circle and stop

Plus/cross: sing- Make a plus go down and across, down and across, down and across, make a plus go down and across, you give it a try!

right oblique (/): say- slide down

square: say- down, down, across, across

left oblique (\): say- slide down

X: say-slide down, slide down

Triangle: say- slide down, slide down and across at the bottom


Practice using a multisensory approach:

  • Shaving cream/pudding in a cookie sheet
  • Rice and/or beans in a cookie sheet or paper plate
  • Chalk board or dry erase board


Prompting May Require:

  • Hand over Hand
  • Tracing over a shape you have demonstrated for them
  • Providing only a demonstration and then having them try
  • Providing them dots so they know where to begin/stop
  • Showing them a picture of it and providing the verbal directions stated above
  • Showing them a picture only
  • Verbally telling them the shape