Visual Motor Activities
Visual Motor Activities
Mazes, Connect the dots, and Word searches
To best prompt:
- Mazes: Encourage them to look ahead to avoid “dead ends,” and stay in the middle of the road to avoid crashing.
- easy:
- medium:
- hard:
- Connect the dots: Encourage them to begin on the dot and draw a straight line to the next dot.
- If they draw a curved line then erase and have them do it again.
- easy:
- medium:
- hard:
- If they draw a curved line then erase and have them do it again.
- Word Search: Select a word to find.
- Search for that letter in an organized manner, such as left to right, top to bottom.
- When you come across the first letter of the word you are searching for, stop (may want to circle it lightly) and then look at the letters surrounding it to see if the second letter of that word is next to it…if it is then continue to see if the following letters of the word follow that direction (horizontal, vertical or diagonal pathway).
- They can use a highlighter to strike one line through the word or use the pencil to draw a circle around all the letters of the word.
- easy:
- medium:
- hard:
- Use the link to follow along and draw the picture: ghost emoji
- It may be helpful to pause the video after each step
- Color in