Parenting Resources ***Updated***
This page contains a variety of articles which contain helpful parenting tips including discipline, sibling relationships, negotiating with kids (getting them to do what they need to do without a fight), how to deal with meltdowns, sleep, and more. I hope you find these resources helpful.
"The attitude you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from,
more than what you tell them.
They don't remember what you try to teach them.
They remember what you are."
- Jim Henson
more than what you tell them.
They don't remember what you try to teach them.
They remember what you are."
- Jim Henson
Positive Discipline:
This website contains countless parenting articles and stories, which can be very helpful.
Free Articles:
An important article on how "spanking" and harsh punishment alters the brain, self-control, and IQ:
Teaching Self Control:
A helpful article on evidence-based tips for teaching children self-control
How to Handle Anger Positively with your Kids:
Why Children Need Discipline:
The Patience Technique:
Nurturing Sibling Relationships:
(A great article which describes ways to strengthen the relationship between children.)
Connection before Correction:
Article quotes:
"Extensive research shows that we cannot influence children in a positive way until we create a connection with them."
"I love you; and the answer is no."
Mistakes are Wonderful Opportunities to Learn:
(Short but sweet article)
(Short but sweet article)
Negotiating with kids:
(Gives some great and simple strategies for parents to end the arguing)
(Gives some great and simple strategies for parents to end the arguing)
How much sleep does a "school-age" child need?
(You might be surprised: 10-11 hours!)