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Oak Tree Elementary School

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November's "Word of the Month": Acceptance

November's "Word of the Month": Acceptance
Guidance Lessons  
Please click here for the:Acceptance lesson parent memo
Additional ideas for teaching/learning about "Acceptance"
We have been working on changing our language when we describe something that is unfamiliar or that we do not understand.  You can practice at home, too.
Words that do not show Acceptance:             Words that show Acceptance:
Weird                             ----------->                Interesting
Ugly                               ----------->                 Unique
Eww                              ----------->                  Different
Gross                              ----------->                "What is that?" (in a kind tone of voice)
Strange                           ----------->                  Cool 
*Asking questions about something (in a kind way) is a great way to learn more about something and show greater acceptance.
Children's Books on "Acceptance": 
"The Crayon Box that Talked" by Shane DeRolf
"I'm Like You, You're Like Me" by Cindy Gainer
"My Nose, Your Nose" by Melanie Walsh
"Chrysanthemum" by Kevin Henkes
"The Skin You Live In" by Michael Tyler
"A Bad Case of Stripes" by David Shannon
"Stand in My Shoes" by Bob Sornson