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Oak Tree Elementary School

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Destiny (Electronic Catalog) and Remote Circulation Information

To get to the Destiny Online Card Catalog...
IF asked...Select “Oak Tree” from the list of schools.
Your child’s username is the 1st letter of his/her first name and the 1st seven (7) letters of the last name (Hint: It's the same as your username on Google). The password is the same password you use to sign in to your Google Email account. It should start with two letters and then five numbers.

To Search our Catalog: Type your search term (title, author, subject, keyword) into the search box at the top of the screen and click the GO! Button.


To Create a Reading List: Once you have your search results, notice “MY PERSONAL LIST” on the right. Simply drag and drop (hold down the left button on your mouse while moving your cursor over to the space provided). You will see the image of the book moving with you. Once the image is inside of the “MY PERSONAL LIST” dotted rectangle, let go of the button. You can add as many titles as you wish!

To Check Your Child’s Account: Click on the “My Info” icon at the top of the screen. You will be able to see your status (what is currently checked out), your reading list and any recommendations that others have made for you.

 To Write a Review or Recommend a Book: Search for the title you’d like to review/recommend. Click on the book to open the information. For a review, click on the “REVIEW” tab below the book’s information then click “Add a Review”. To recommend the book, click the “RECOMMEND” button to the right of the information. Then, type the name (first or last) of the person to whom you would like to recommend the book. Select the appropriate name from the list given. Type a comment if you wish and click the “SAVE” button.